14 Days of Learning #14daysbreakloop challenge

14 Days of Learning #14daysbreakloop challenge

Hello everyone,

Here is my journey of the #14daysofbreakloop challenge

This blog contains the following things :

  • Goal for accepting 14daysbreakloop challenge
  • What I have learned in 14 days
  • What I build in 14 days
  • What challenges I have faced
  • And how I overcome the challenges


Goal for accepting 14daysbreakloop challenge

My ultimate goal for accepting the 14DaysBreakLoop challenge was to make myself consistent and I wanted to track my learning like what I did yesterday and what I am doing today and I find 100daysofcodes best tool to track my learning, it helped me increase my learning rate by recording my journey.

Earlier I was not consistent with my work but after accepting 14daysbreakloop now I am able to plan out my work what I will be doing tomorrow and what is the thing I need to improve.

What I have learned in 14 days

  • Created Deep Learning Model using ANN to predict the weight of a person

I started my 14daysbreakloop challenge with Deep learning. Learned about the Artificial Neural Network and created a model that predicts weight what the given height of a person in centimeter. Link to GitHub repo

  • Created a deep learning model to understand why people close the bank account

Used the Churn model dataset and created a model but I failed in getting the right weight and bias

  • Started learning Microsoft Azure

Created resource in Azure launched Virtual machine, created Kubernetes cluster in it, learned about azure shell and used it to launch the virtual machine.

  • Learned about AWS SQS service

SQS is a service provided by AWS to implemented the Message Queue, Created a blog on SQS explaining what is cloud computing and explained SQS as simple as possible. Click to read Blog

  • Learned about the Ingress

Ingress is used to set up the application load balancer in Kubernetes, to setup ingress we use an ingress controller and the ingress controller that we use in Kubernetes is Nginx

  • Learned about the Kubernetes Network policy

To implement the network policy in Kubernetes using the Weave Net, earlier we use Flannel but Flannel only support overlay but we want network policy as well for that we use plugin name weave net.

  • Learned about CoreDns and Configmap

Kubernetes has a separate volume for a config file that we mount to pod containing directory and this concept of the separate directory is called configmap and CoreDns is a product that is used to create DNS in Kubernetes.

In Kubernetes, we launch multiple pods and we put pod behind Loadbalancer called service and service has its own IP. Load balancer IP and client should know the IP to connect bu whatever IP we provide us dynamic i.e as soon as pod restart Ip will change but we want static Ip so what we can do is give FQDN to IP, now if IP change in future but FQDN will not change. This concept is called DNS Service Discovery and the product that uses this concept is CoreDns and the plugin is Kubernetes.

  • Created a blog containing information about Neural Network

Explained about the Neural Network in a simple way possible and the industry use case of Neural Network, Want to know how Tesla uses Neural Network? Click to read

  • learned about the AWS CloudFormation

CloudFormation is a service provided by the AWS that allows us to create infrastructure using code therefore CloudFormation is called Infrastructure as a code ( IAAC ) service. Created VPC using the code and the code formate that cloud formation use is in YAML and JASON.

  • Learned about Flask

Flask is a framework of python which is used to create a web application, learned about the render function and flask environment and created a web page that takes input as a Linux command and gives an output of a command

  • learned about Google Cloud Platform

Completed Google Cloud essential Quest in Qwiklab which includes:

  • Creating Virtual Machine
  • Getting started with cloud shell and gcloud
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Set Up Network and HTTP Load Balancers

And after completing the Quest I earned myself a Quest badge. To check

Screenshot (728).png

  • Created a Deep Learning model that predicts a person having diabetes

Still working on it and will be converting it to a Web Application.

What I build in 14 days

  • Deep learning model that predicts weight


  • Web page using Flask that takes input as a Linux command and gives an output of that command


  • Multi-Tier Application, configured MySql database, and connected database with WordPress application using Kubernetes. Link to repo


  • VPC using CloudFormation YAML code

Link to repo

Challenges that I faced during 14 days

Building a habit is very difficult so for the initial starting days I struggled to be consistent as earlier I use to start some task or start learning something but I never completed it and I always lose the progress report of the task I started.

How I overcome the challenges

To make myself consistent I started tracking my task or things that I learn is by using a browser extension called 100daysofcodes and it helped me track my progress and I every day just go to the browser and check what I did yesterday and plan for what I will do today and by the end of the I achieve it and this is the best way to be consistent

My Experience with 14daysofcode was amazing and I will continue the journey and thanks to 100daysofcodes teams for creating an amazing extension⭐
